Revert Meaning in Telugu: Understand the Translation

Exploring word meanings in different languages is exciting. In this article, we’ll look at the English word “revert” and its Telugu translation. We’ll see how “revert” is used and understood in Telugu.

“Revert” has many meanings in English. Its Telugu translation changes with the context. This article will cover how “revert” means to go back to a previous state or condition in Telugu.

Revert Meaning in Telugu

The English word “revert” has several meanings in Telugu. The most common are “వెనక్కిరావడం” (venaḵḵirāvaḓaṁ) and “విరుగుడు” (viruguḓu).

వెనక్కిరావడం అర్థం

“వెనక్కిరావడం” (venaḵḵirāvaḓaṁ) means to go back to a past state or condition. It’s used when someone or something returns to a previous status or way of being. For example, “After the political changes, the country went back to its old system of government.”

విరుగుడు అర్థం

“విరుగుడు” (viruguḓu) means to change one’s mind or go back on a decision. It’s often used when someone reconsiders or undoes a previous choice. For instance, “The company changed its mind and didn’t lay off employees after public criticism.”

Knowing how to use “వెనక్కిరావడం” and “విరుగుడు” correctly is key in Telugu. It helps to clearly express ideas about returning to a past state or reversing a decision.

In Telugu, “revert” is also used in religious talks, as seen in quotes from Oscar Cullmann and the Bible. It shows how “revert” is used in many areas, from faith to everyday life.

Statistics show a trend of behaviors changing back, like in the Bible and history. They also talk about the effects of demonetization and GST on India’s economy. This suggests a growth rate of about 7.5 percent each year.

Translating “Revert” to Telugu

When we translate “revert” to Telugu, it can mean different things based on the situation. Two main ways to say it are “తిరిగి ఉండాలి” (tirigiunḓāli) and “మార్చే” (mārchē). “తిరిగి ఉండాలి” means to go back or return. “మార్చే” means to change or make something go back.

“తిరిగి ఉండాలి” is often used in religious talks, especially about Old Testament festivals. It talks about going back to a past state. “మార్చే” is more general. It fits many situations, like changing behavior, history, or personal actions.

The word “revert” in Telugu can mean going back or changing something. This makes it very useful in different situations. It lets us understand the word in many ways, based on how we use it.

For example, in India, the economy might revert to growing at 7.5% a year after some big changes. In this case, “తిరిగి ఉండాలి” (tirigiunḓāli) fits best. It means going back to a past economic growth rate.

English Term Telugu Translation Meaning
Revert తిరిగి ఉండాలి (tirigiunḓāli) To return or go back
Revert మార్చే (mārchē) To change or modify something

The data shows “revert” has a deep meaning in Telugu. It’s used in many ways and situations.

Common Phrases Using “Revert” in Telugu

In Telugu, “తిరిగి సరిచేయడం” (tirigisarichēyaḓaṁ) is a common phrase. It means to fix or correct something by going back to a previous state.

This phrase is used when someone or something needs to be undone or reversed. It could mean fixing a mistake, going back to the original way, or correcting an error.

For instance, a software developer might use “తిరిగి సరిచేయడం” (tirigisarichēyaḓaṁ) to fix a code change that caused problems. A business manager might use it to change a marketing plan that didn’t work out. The goal is always to fix the issue by going back.

“తిరిగి సరిచేయడం” (tirigisarichēyaḓaṁ) shows the value of being flexible and learning from mistakes. It means being open to fixing errors and improving.

The phrase “తిరిగి సరిచేయడం” (tirigisarichēyaḓaṁ) is key in Telugu culture. It’s about changing or undoing something to get a better result.

Reverting to a Previous State

In Telugu, “reverting to a previous state” is talked about with two phrases. These are “రీసెట్ అవ్వడం” (rīseṭ avvaḓaṁ) and “మాటుకు రావడం” (māṭuḵu rāvaḓaṁ). They show how to go back to an earlier condition or promise.

రీసెట్ అవ్వడం (Rīseṭ avvaḓaṁ)

“రీసెట్ అవ్వడం” (rīseṭ avvaḓaṁ) means to reset or go back. It’s about making something like a system or situation go back to how it was before. It’s like hitting the reset button on a device to start over.

మాటుకు రావడం (Māṭuḵu rāvaḓaṁ)

“మాటుకు రావడం” (māṭuḵu rāvaḓaṁ) also talks about going back. It means to keep one’s word, going back to a promise or stance. It’s about changing one’s mind or going back on a decision.

These phrases, “రీసెట్ అవ్వడం” (rīseṭ avvaḓaṁ) and “మాటుకు రావడం” (māṭuḵu rāvaḓaṁ), help us understand going back. They show how to reset something or keep a promise. They give us a deep look into this idea in Telugu.

Revert to Previous State

Idiomatic Expressions with “Revert”

In Telugu, “revert” means more than just going back. It’s shown in idioms that talk about changing or going back. These sayings make the word “revert” more interesting and deep.

తిరిగి ఉండాలి means “to be back” or “to go back to before.” It’s used when someone or something goes back to how it was before, after changing or trying something new.

మాటుకు రావడం means “to come back to one’s words.” It happens when someone takes back or changes what they said before. They go back to what they first said.

  • The politician reverted to his original stance after people spoke out against it.
  • After the update, the system reverted to its previous configuration because it didn’t work well with new things.
  • The company went back to its old marketing plan when the new one didn’t work.

These sayings show how rich and flexible the Telugu language is. They help us talk about changing or going back in different ways. By using these sayings, we can share the idea of “revert” more clearly in many situations.

Idiomatic Expression Literal Translation Meaning
తిరిగి ఉండాలి To be back To go back to before
మాటుకు రావడం To come back to one’s words To take back or change what was said before
తిరిగి సరిచేయడం To fix back To make something go back to how it was at first
రీసెట్ అవ్వడం To reset To go back to the start or default state

These sayings make Telugu more interesting and help us understand “revert” better. They show how the idea of “revert” is used and seen in Telugu culture.

Revert Meaning in Context

“Revert” can mean different things in different situations. For example, it can mean “rebellion” or “revolt” in Telugu, known as “తిరుగుబాటు” (tirigubaṭu). This term means to defy the current situation and go back to before.

Imagine someone going back to being a child, feeling free and rebellious again. Or, a company might go back to an old app because they don’t like the new one. These are examples of “reverting” to something earlier.

There have been times when a group moved up, then went back down. This shows they didn’t like the change and wanted to go back to what they knew. This idea of “తిరుగుబాటు” (tirigubaṭu) is not just in Telugu. It’s also found in Spanish, French, German, and Japanese, among others.

The word “revert” is interesting because it sounds like other words like “avert,” “overt,” and “exert.” This makes the English language richer. The English-Telugu dictionary helps us understand “revert” and other words better, showing how language works across cultures.

Word Rhymes with “Revert”

The English-Telugu dictionary lets users search for words and see what’s most searched for in translations. This info helps us understand how language changes and what learners and translators need.

“Approximately 80% of Indian English speakers use the term ‘revert’ to mean ‘reply’, which can be considered a unique usage of the word in the Indian context.”

Studies show that many British English speakers use “revert” and “revert back” a lot. But, using “revert back” is often seen as unnecessary. “Revert” is usually enough.

“తిరుగుబాటు” (tirigubaṭu) is more than just “reverting.” It’s about standing up against something and wanting to go back to before. This shows how language can capture our feelings of resistance and change.

Reverting a Decision or Action

In Telugu, “revert” means to go back on a choice or action. This is often said as “మళ్లీ ఉంచుకోవడం” (maḷḷī uṁchukōvaḓaṁ), which means to take back or retract something.

“Revert” means to undo or reverse a past action. It happens when someone or something cancels a choice they made before. This is important when things change or new info shows up, making us rethink our choices.

For instance, a company might revert its plan to launch a new product if it sees it won’t do well in the market. They would “మళ్లీ ఉంచుకోవడం” (maḷḷī uṁchukōvaḓaṁ) or change their mind about launching the product.

Also, a person might revert their choice to take a job if they get a better offer or if things change in their life. This means “మళ్లీ ఉంచుకోవడం” (maḷḷī uṁchukōvaḓaṁ) or taking back their yes to the job.

Being able to revert a choice shows you’re flexible and can adapt. It lets people and groups change plans to fit new situations. This way, they can make choices that match their needs and goals.

“The ability to revert a decision is a mark of wisdom and adaptability, allowing us to respond to changing circumstances and make informed choices that serve our best interests.”

Examples of “Revert” in Telugu Sentences

To show how “revert” is used in Telugu, let’s look at some examples. These examples will help you see how this term is used and its meanings. They also show how it is translated.

“Revert” in Telugu often means going back to a past state. For example, “వెనక్కి రావడం” (venakki raavaDam) means “to revert” or “to go back.” This is used in sentences like, “సమస్య పరిష్కారమైన తర్వాత, అతను వెనక్కి రావాలి” (samasya parishkAramaina tarvAta, atanu venakki raavAli). It says “After solving the problem, he should go back to his original state.”

Another way “revert” is used is to mean changing something. The phrase “మార్చే” (mArchey) fits here. For example, “పరిస్థితులు మార్చబడకపోతే, అతను తన నిర్ణయాన్ని మార్చాలి” (paristhitulu mArchabaDakapotey, atanu tana nirnayAnni mArchAli). This means “If things don’t change, he should change his decision.”

Telugu Sentence English Translation Meaning of “Revert”
వెనక్కి తిరిగి రావడం To go back or return To revert to a previous state
నిర్ణయాన్ని మార్చుకోవడం To change or modify a decision To revert a decision
పోలీసు విచారణకు వెనక్కి వచ్చారు The police reverted to the investigation To return to a previous course of action
వస్తువుల స్వరూపం వెనక్కి మార్చుకోవడం To revert the form of the objects To change back to a previous state

These examples show how “revert” is used in Telugu. It can mean reverting, changing, or returning to a past state. Understanding these examples helps you see the meanings and uses of “revert” in Telugu.

examples of revert in telugu sentences

Understanding the Nuances of “Revert”

The word “revert” in Telugu has a deep meaning shaped by many factors. It’s important to know how this word is used for clear communication. Let’s explore the different meanings of “revert” in Telugu.

“Revert” often means going back to a past state or condition. This could be returning to an old job, thought, or way of acting. It suggests coming back to something that was lost or changed.

But “revert” also means more than just going back. It can talk about changing or adapting. This could be changing your mind, switching sides, or going back to an old belief. The way people use “revert” can show if it was a choice or if they had to do it.

The way “revert” is used can also change its meaning. Sometimes it sounds urgent or needed. Other times, it seems like accepting something without much choice. The situation and culture help shape what “revert” really means.

To really understand “revert” in Telugu, think about the situation, who is talking, and the culture. This helps us see the many sides of this word.

Nuance of “Revert” Potential Meaning Example Usage
Restoration Return to a previous state or condition After the renovation, the building reverted to its original architectural style.
Transformation Change in perspective, allegiance, or belief The politician reverted to his previous stance on environmental policies.
Necessity Urgency or compulsion to revert The system automatically reverts to backup mode in case of a power failure.
Resignation Passive acceptance of a changed circumstance After the company’s restructuring, the employees had to revert to a new work schedule.

Knowing the different meanings and uses of “revert” in Telugu helps us talk better, understand messages, and deal with language and culture.

Other Telugu Synonyms for “Revert”

In Telugu, “revert” has many synonyms like తిరిగి and రెండర్. There are other words too that mean “reverting” or “going back to before.” These other Telugu synonyms include విరుగుడు, మాటుకు రావడం, రీసెట్ అవ్వడం, and తిరుగుబాటు.

“తిరిగి” has verb forms that are similar to “రెండర్,” “రోలింగ్ ఓవర్,” and “రిఫ్లెక్స్.” This gives Telugu speakers many ways to say “reverting” or “going back.” It helps them choose the right word for what they mean.

For example, if someone gets a divorce and takes back their maiden name, or if a station changes its name, Telugu has words for it. These words help explain “revert” in different situations. Learning these synonyms can make talking about “reverting” easier and more precise.

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